The Creation of Dentures: How the Process Works With South Florida Dental Arts

DenturesDentures from South Florida Dental Arts are a form of dental replacements or false teeth that are created to replace any number of missing teeth. Dentures can be made to be fixed in place or to be removable. The placement of dentures will allow your dental structure to remain intact and to continue performing properly if you have lost several teeth. Our dentures are made of high-quality, strong, and attractive materials. Once your dentures are created and fitted, you will enjoy your new look and your renewed ability to chew and speak like you once did.

The First Visit and Mold

Since every person's dental structure is different, your dentures will need to be manufactured and customized to your exact mouth shape and the measurements of the surrounding dental support structure. Your first visit to our office will include the measurement process and while you are here, we will also make an impression of your teeth and gums to be used in conjunction with the other materials to make your dentures. After your dental cast is created, it will be sent to a manufacturing lab where your dentures will be fabricated.

Your Dentures Fitting

When your set of dentures comes in, we will notify you so that you can come in for a fitting. At your fitting, we will have you try the dentures on and perform normal functions like speaking and biting down. If your dentures fit, you will be able to leave with them. If we have concerns about the fit, we will note them and have your dentures adjusted for a better fit. Once your dentures fit securely, if you have chosen a fixed set, we will cement them into place with strong dental glue.

Common Problems

The most common problem is an initial lisp when you wear your dentures. The more often you wear your dentures and speak with them in place, the better your speech will become. It should not take long for you to get accustomed to your dentures and the lisp to fade. Sometimes people complain of irritation as they are becoming used to their dentures. An oral topical anesthetic like Orajel can help. If any irritation persists, let South Florida Dental Arts know so that we can reexamine the fit of your dentures.

Benefits of Dentures

Your dentures will provide you with a solid biting surface for eating all the foods you enjoy. They will also allow you to maintain a sturdy dental structure that will not begin to shift, creating malformations and other problems. Your dentures will provide you with a new, attractive smile that will give you more confidence.

Our dentures are a stable, durable product that allows you to enjoy your smile to the fullest extent. The denture creation and fitting process is simple and efficient, and it provides excellent results. Don't risk irreparable damage from not having your teeth replaced with a good substitute like dentures. Visit South Florida Dental Arts to learn more about this simple and necessary process.

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